We are Roman and Martina from Switzerland.
And yes, this is a very old picture from us, back six or eight years on a bicycle trip in Norway. Seems that we are not the selfie kind of couple. We will for sure try to take a «good» new selfie, maybe a little bit more recent than this. This has been the task for the last six months and so far there is no presentable result. We stay tuned!
about Martina
She is a teacher in real life and on this trip she is responsible for the strong (and loudly expressed) emotions while pushing the bike uphill (on a muddy, slippery dirt track…) the creative camping kitchen (one fire, two pans, expired canned food) and making contact to local population (in every possible language).
about Roman
I am a mechanical engineer in real life and this makes me responsible for all the dirty work on our bicycles (the black edges under the fingernails accompany me most of the time), to scout for the perfect campspot every evening (soft green meadow, near a clean river, with a view, without traffic noise and deadly animals disturbing the peace) and put up the tent and spending hours and hours on the computer to plan the most scenic route (well, Martina does that too by reading the guidebooks and blogs).
about the journey
It is not our first journey by bicycle. If you have once traveled by bicycle, you will do it again. After exploring Europe and South America this way, the long way to the Far East was the next step, so we quit our jobs and sublet our home to be free as two birds. We will travel east as long there is enough money and fun, no mission or greater purpose attached.